I currently have (courtesy of my boyfriend's brother - THANK YOU, MARK!) a 19gallon fish tank sitting on a kitchen bench. It is about half full at the moment and there are two filters running. One of my old filters and the old filter Mark used to use in the tank. It has black substrate in the bottom.
To start the cycle off you need a source of ammonia. An older, and less humane way some people cycle a tank is with some 'hardy' types of fish. These fish produce waste which help kick start the tank into a cycle. This could be done with some cheap goldfish or platies. Regardless of whether these fish are more likely to survive in ammonia riddled water whilst your tank cycles, does not alter the fact that these fish will be living so in a lot of discomfort. Damage such as ammonia poisoning and burns to their scales will be extremely common and may be a reason why fish die when people keep fish and don't do research. This poor goldfish is extremely unhealthy with ammonia burns to his scales and fins.
My tank!
I have been dropping a few flakes in every couple of days and this is where my cycle is at as of today!
In the picture you can see that the green tube is my ammonia reading, the purpley blue is my nitrITE and the yellow is my nitrATE. My ammonia has turned from a pale yellow with is a reading of 0ppm* to a reading of 0.5 ppm. This shows that there is some ammonia present and that a cycle will start. My nirtrITE has turned from a pale blue to a pale bluey purpley colour which shows that some of that ammonia is being changed into nitrITES with a reading of 0.25ppm. My cycle has officially started! And as for my nitrATES reading, this shows that it has not changed at all is still reading 0ppm. This means that the cycle is far from being complete. In case you're thinking that my numbers are ridiculously small, even a reading of 0.5 ammonia can be too toxic for a lot of fish.
*'points per million'.
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